Your fun little numbers toolbox

Super easy to use. No punching numpads. Fewer clicks and keystrokes. Quick results!

Computation tools out there are a pain!

Standard calculators are tedious and boring. The interactive tools are spread out, riddled with ads or feel .. icky.


Find an Interactive tool


Looks Shady and Annoying


Switch to a Regular Calculator


Remember Formulae


Mistype Expression


See Wrong Result

All the most useful number tools made Super Interactive!

  • Get the answer as you type. No need to press enter or click a button.
  • Convert multiple units or currencies at once as you type.
  • We have many super-easy to use tools. Check out our demos page.
  • Just type in the formula. Set values to the variables and watch the results change as you type.
  • Don't just use calculators for homework. Use them to make your life easier.


Stop searching for math tools now.

Use CalcIt instead!


Buy once, get all future updates for free.




  • Lifetime Access
  • Free future updates
  • 20+ Tools now and growing

*Prices and plans might change in the future. But this won't affect you once you buy a lifetime plan.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • ChatGPT is resource intensive and could drain your usage limits. Google has some interactive calculators to convert units but you can only convert 2 of them at once. CalcIt has no usage limits! And it's much simpler to use.
  • Calcit is designed to be quick and easy to use. You can quickly open it, punch in numbers and see results in the middle of a conversation. You can also change values on the fly and see the results change instantly.
  • Yes, you are correct. You will have access to all future updates for free, provided you have access to the same credentials you'd log in with.
  • We will add new tools as we see the need. If you have a suggestion, please let us know here. Meanwhile, you can use the algebraic tool to calculate anything you want.
  • Calcit is a mobile-first web application, designed primarily for mobile use. This ensures it operates smoothly on any device that supports a browser.
  • Cool, contact us by email at

Get it now, save time

Don't waste time looking for calculators. The best ones are here!